Tuesday, March 21, 2006


we were so close to morocco this weekend it was silly. however, the lovely ferries from tarifa decided they wanted to sit it out a day. that's right, we didn't make it. the ferries were all canceled on sunday. so that was a bummer. i don't know if i'm going to try to go again either. but we'll see. my companions for the weekend were the blacks: brandon, brittany, and brooke. i enjoyed them quite a bit. i had a great time running around tarifa with brandon on saturday night. i would say that thus far it was my best night in spain. here's us on the way to tarifa from marbella, looking really hardcore....or trying.

unfortunately, it rained most of the trip, but that didn't deter us from doing our fair share of sight seeing. this is the cathedral at night. we later went through it during the day. it's 16th century neo-gothic.

tarifa is a nice little surf town on the southern-most tip of spain (and europe). there's a really long beach on the west side that we only saw from the mountains above because it was too rainy to go anywhere during the day. but we headed out of there at 3:30 on sunday. we had some trouble on the way back in algeciras, where we were going to catch our buses to málaga and sevilla. but we all made it back ok. so that's really good. i'm going to save the amazing night of adventure that brandon and i had for another post. it's too good for right now.

and now i will do some homework. byes.


  1. lol, my roomie looks more drunk than hardcore.

  2. aaron! you missed ecuador?!? how sad. i'm sad. go back! do it again!

  3. Anonymous9:00 AM

    i was wondering if you were going to hook up with B while he was there. That's sweet. I want to hear about the night of adventure...

  4. i meant morocco, by the way. i feel stupid.
