Thursday, March 30, 2006

lots of stuff

so i'm kinda behind on posts. so i'm going to do a big ol' picture blog here so you can see what i've been up to. these first pictures are from last weekend. on friday i went to carmona and on saturday i went to mulva (mulva?). lots of old ruins in both places. here you go from carmona (about 30 miles east):

this is my friend from denmark, metta, going down into an old tomb from the 8th century.

this was a ceremony plaza outside a tomb of a king.

this is the alcázar in carmona. it was pretty cool and gave us a good view of the city as you can see.

these next few are from mulva, about 30 miles northeast:

Ok, so there's a view of our destination: 2nd century roman village.

this is my moroccan friend Behiya. i have a really good time with her. she's fun and speaks four languages: french, arabic, english, and spanish.

look how green things were this day!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:13 PM

    Aaron, keep the pics coming man. I love it. Looks like you are having a blast and you know I'm so jealous. God Bless, hope all is well.
