Friday, February 10, 2006

Sevilla's Alcázar

that's where i went today when i headed to the city to buy a book for class. it was perfect because the book stores were closed when i got there are four. so i walked up to the alcázar, which is free for students, and went in to check it out. about 1/5 of the area within the walls is the "palace" portion of the alcázar. the other 4/5 is the giant royal garden. it's all right smack dab in the center of sevilla. but there were no cars to be heard. it was as peaceful as if it were an island. first i'll show you some of the inside, which doesn't look much different from other alcázares, but that doesn't mean it's not awesome. sometimes it's hard to remember to be awed when you so many awe-inspiring things that are similar. but here goes the picture overload:

this is a ceiling, obviously.

ok, those are all from the inside. now, let's move out to the garden. (is this mtv cribs?)

i'z gots all kindz of oweenge tweez up heyuhz in da back yawd.

yes, i set the camera down and set it on timer and walked away and then walked back so it would look candid. i admit my pretensions.

this was a hedge maze that was really fun to get lost in.

so there was a ton more that i saw. but it takes a little while to upload pictures so i'm going to leave it at that. tomorrow morning i'm going to córdoba, about 70 miles east of here. it's got one of the greatest buildings of the western world: built in 784, La Mezquita. look it up on google. i'll post pictures by monday. peace!

1 comment:

  1. I like the emo pic of you.. ha no but seriously, take some more pix with you in them. come on AC we miss you we wanna see YOU. Spain is awesome too tho.
