Wednesday, February 01, 2006

my newest blog entry

so the school week is in full flux...actually tomorrow is my last day for the week. i'm still not wrapping my head around not having school on fridays. so this weekend i was thinking about going to morocco with some girls from class, but alas it's too much money. so instead i'll stay here this weekend and go to the football match on sunday night. it will surely be a blast!

i trekked around yesterday to some places of the city i hadn't seen yet. mainly, the guadalquivir river that passes through the west half of sevilla. here are some photos i took:

in this one you can see the tower of the sevilla cathedral in the distance, as well as the "golden tower" on the far right. the rest are taken from the other bank.

so that was just a sculpture i walked by on my way to the bus stop. i was coming home from eating some pastries at a bakery with some girls from class. they're from TCU and are pretty cool. today in my woman and literature class (myself being the only guy in said class) i was asked to describe what the ideal woman consists of. this after we disected how evil men have been, discussing the history of misogyny and abuse of power, all that kind of stuff. and then she turns to me, the only male, and asks me to resume for the class what the ideal woman is. does anyone else think that's a, too leading? i felt like i had to a.) defend the history of men (which i'll admit isn't pretty in this instance), b.) give an answer that didn't some how lump me in with them, c.) still be honest, d.) be true to the topic at hand (misogyny and censorship). so that was a lot. and it was in spanish, so i was working with a smaller vocabulary. it was just uncomfortable.

whatever. it was still a good experience. suprise questions like that are always good to keep me on my toes. so long!


  1. Anonymous10:16 PM

    You are my hero. I'm glad things are going well. I miss you. Even though I don't even see you when you are in lincoln and I'm in omaha. I absolutely love reading this stuff, so keep posting darlin. Women and literature class. ha. This is classic. Happy February! Hope this month brings you some love Spainstyleee. hm. Anyway just wanted to give a friendly hello from the great "plain" plains.

  2. Anonymous10:24 PM

    Just letting you know I looked at this! Hope you keep having fun.
    -Heather P.

  3. Anonymous9:45 AM

    there is nothing more that i enjoy than a taste of aaronwk to start my day.

  4. Anonymous2:00 PM

    i'm a big fan of misogyny. once my friend asked me to go to a benefit raising awareness on violence against women, but i had to pass because i had women to beat.
    --jordan (en espagnol whore-dan)
