Friday, February 17, 2006

i'm buying things

so i tend to keep my post titles pretty obvious. this one is no exception. i bought this yesterday:

that's my new guitar! i'm going to be taking flamenco lessons so i will know how to play for all the flamenco clubs back in lincoln. man, it's going to be awesome! but seriously, i am taking lessons and i'm super happy to be playing again cause it's been a month since i've held my beloved larivée, and even though this can't take it's place, it makes a nice mistress while i'm away.

i've been hanging out with José Luís, a friend i met in class. he's super cool. i'm really excited to start meeting all his spanish friends and getting involved in the local life. ...and meet some ladies... can't deny it. ok, that's all for this time! peace.


  1. Anonymous6:46 PM

    yo dude,
    sweet axe. you know who else plays a sweet axe; one word...malkmus


  2. Anonymous2:39 PM

    I wore a flamenco dress once for a presentation...definetly was funny...Congrats on the new affair :)
