Saturday, January 28, 2006


today's been pretty boring so far. no homework to do yet, so i'm just hanging out at the dorm. i'm hanging out with my intercambio partner in a few hours at 5. the university pairs every american student up with a student from spain and then we hang out with them and get integrated into the culture here that way. so josé is coming to pick me up today at 5 and we're gonna go get some coffee or something. fabrício and the rest of my friends here have left for granada because they don't have school on monday or tuesday. so i'm here all alone this weekend. it's kinda nice, but kinda boring too. here's what my dormroom looks like.

i don't know what else to say.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:02 PM

    you have pretty nice digs there. my dorm in france looked rather soviet, and the only thing it had going for it was a large winter. i would throw potatos out onto the landing below me, watching their deterioration over the months. i obviously had a lot of time on my hand for such scientific discoveries. keep rockin' the Casbah. --jordan milliken
