Thursday, January 19, 2006


i am in madrid tonight at Los Amigos hostel. i stayed at this place in 2004 for a few days but tonight i´m just passing through. Paris was great, are you surprised? i spent one whole day sight seeing. i saw the louvre, the seine, eiffel tower, the notre dame, the arch de triomphe, roland garros, and lots of lovely french girls. seriously, they were everywhere.

marie´s grandparents were very good to me during my stay. i had more food than i could eat. plenty of cheese and wine. too much sometimes... tomorrow i´m taking a train to Sevilla where i will spend the semester. i would appreciate any comments. i don´t know who is reading this otherwise.

bye bye.


  1. Anonymous1:32 PM

    yay! aaron's posting! hey aaron, i'm reading. i check every day for an update. glad you're doing well.


  2. Anonymous9:10 PM

    good to hear from ya man. keep the posts coming.


  3. Anonymous9:22 PM

    good to hear from you man. keep the posts coming.

